Hey. check out this link. Can you guess what it was?



Hi everyoneeee!! 😁😁

Welcome to our blog: TECHXNOIR

This group was named as techxnoir. Noir in French means black. X is a sign language that most languages had assigned as not. Basically we believe technology is not black.

NOIR have 6 members where 2 handsome gentlemen and 4 lovely ladies are a gang. We are all from Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences (KENMS) though we pursue different majors.

Our post is basically like this:

Editor: eMii

Proof read: Khairina

Weekly topic assigned by: Umar and Ian

General task: Houssam and Amina

This blog will share our interest in IT, some facts that you would intrigue of. Feel free to comment, ask and interact with our blog. Let make cross blog-travel and exchanging information!

Thank you for your support~
